F-16C MGRS Coordinate A-G mission in Syria

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F-16C MGRS Coordinate A-G mission in Syria

Uploaded by - vincent.lemire
Date - 04/21/2024 04:02:34
This is a mission I built to help me practice entering MGRS coordinates to create a steerpoint in the F-16C to simulate target information being sent to me by a MQ-9 Reaper drone. I've even included audio files of the MQ-9's lady pilot transmitting the coordinates to the targets. The Primary target she gives is a T-55 near a road, and the second one is a group of ammo trucks hidden in Raqqa, Syria. I also built the mission to practice A-A refuelling, but I believe you can fly the whole mission without refuelling if you manage fuel well (that means no crazy afterburner stuff for no reason). Fly at 17000 feet to be able to use targeting pod without being blocked by clouds. ENJOY!

Mission with MGRS coordinates near STPT2, and possible Target of opportunity at STPT3. It can also be used to practice A-A refuelling.

Takeoff on Runway 28, go refuel at ARCO 41 (ANG 24, TACAN 55X). Then go attack targets near STPT2 near Raqqa (see pics 2 and 3 in Briefing). A female MQ-9 Drone operator (UZI 81) will give you coordinates when you approach the target area. If you have any remaining ordnance after you hit your 2 targets, go attack technicals near STPT3 (see pic 4 in briefing - you will have to find them on targeting pod). STPT4 lines you up on final, land at Gaziantep at STPT5.



AWACS and TANKER escorts operate on 124 MHz AM
A British Tornado GR4 and a US Marines F/A-18C are also operating on your frequency of 305 MHz AM
-Friendly MQ-9 Reaper drone orbits at 10000ft over Raqqa.

No enemy air activity is expected. We dominate the skies.

**IMPORTANT** SPRINGFIELD 11 LASER CODE: 1681 (possibly other attack planes in strike area) - make sure you set your designator code to this frequency because you GBU-12 bombs are set to it.

I recommend hitting target 1 (T-55) with a GBU-12 because it could move. For target 2 (parked ammo trucks), if you use a GBU-38, go in CNTL to set the IMP ANG to 80 and release the bomb well within range.

Mission by Coolhand101e
- I have a Youtube LIVE video that I made to show how to enter MGRS coordinates properly in the F-16C (the video uses another mission not to spoil this one).

Go refuel, go strike MGRS Targets, then strike at STPT3 and come back to land at STPT5.

Flight Plan:
STPT1: REJOIN ANG 24 (refuel at ARCO 41)
STPT2: TGT Area ANG 17
STPT3: Targets of opportunity
STPT5: Land at Gaziantep
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